
HeArt of the Sun

HeArt of the Sun is a permanent outdoor public art installation commissioned by the NYC School Construction Authority for PS/IS 48 Q’s new school building in Jamaica, Queens.  The artwork marks various points on the annual calendar by reflecting sunlight from roof-mounted mirrors onto a series of curved glass-fiber reinforced concrete walls.  Etched into the concrete surfaces of the curved walls are 52 student generated designs of interpretive and personified symbols for the sun - a petroglyphic style dating back to the Neolithic. The roof-mounted mirrors reflect sunlight onto these engravings at various points in the day and year when the courtyard is darkest.  Designs and sun symbols were generated in collaboration with 2nd grade students at the school over the course of a nineteen-week residency. 

This site-specific installation provides teachers as PS/IS 48 a resource for educational programs in astronomy, art history, geometry, social sciences, and ecology.